DLL Files List Starting With v
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "V". Currently we have 855 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Microsoft, Gabest, Steinberg Media Technologies and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
vsdplui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 48KB |
vsdsp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 28KB |
vsed.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual InterDev | 61.7KB |
vsengine.dll | vsengine Module | 302KB | |
vsetup.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 6.8KB |
vsetupdi.dll | NICSET | 36KB | |
vsexcelres_en.dll | Mathsoft Engineering & Education | Mathcad | 40KB |
vsexe.dll | Systems Compatibility | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 14.8KB |
vsexe2.dll | Systems Compatibility | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 38.3KB |
vsfc.dll | Mathsoft Engineering & Education | Mathcad VSFC Dynamic Link Library | 256.1KB |
vsfilter.dll | Gabest | VSFilter | 736KB |
vshell32.dll | Alky for Applications | 26KB | |
vshelp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 114.2KB |
vshelpui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 18KB |
vside.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Development Environment | 340.5KB |
vsimagres_en.dll | Mathsoft Engineering & Education | Mathcad | 52KB |
vsinit.dll | Zone Labs | TrueVector Service | 73.3KB |
vsiweb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | 70.5KB |
vslangproj.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 52KB |
vsmacrohierarchylib.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 9KB |
vsmacros.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 344KB |
vsmacrosui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 40KB |
vsmonapi.dll | Zone Labs | TrueVector Client Interface | 101.3KB |
vsmsvrp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 20KB |
vsnetutils.dll | Zone Labs | TrueVector Service | 122.6KB |
vsnpstd3.dll | 60KB | ||
vsocklib.dll | VMware | VMware Tools | 62.7KB |
vsodbciores_en.dll | Mathsoft Engineering & Education | Mathcad | 28KB |
vsole.dll | Aladdin Knowledge Systems | Aladdin VsOle | 124KB |
vsoremui.dll | McAfee | McAfee VirusScan Online | 76KB |
vsoui.dll | McAfee | McAfee VirusScan Online | 600KB |
vsoupd.dll | McAfee | McAfee VirusScan Online | 216KB |
vsowow.dll | McAfee | Mcafee VirusScan | 252KB |
vsp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 28KB |
vspdx.dll | Inso Corporation | Outside In Viewer Technology | 36KB |
vspell32.dll | Visual Components | VisualSpeller(TM) | 61KB |
vspkg.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 1.1MB |
vspkgui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 494.5KB |
vspp.dll | Systems Compatibility | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 29.3KB |
vspp2.dll | Inso Corporation | Outside In Viewer Technology | 60KB |
vspp97.dll | Inso Corporation | Outside In Viewer Technology | 148KB |
vspubapi.dll | Zone Labs | TrueVector Service | 133.3KB |
vsqp6.dll | Systems Compatibility | Microsoft Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 18.8KB |
vsrc3260.dll | RealNetworks | View Source plugin for RealMedia (32-bit) | 136KB |
vsrl3260.dll | RealNetworks | Local View Source plugin for RealMedia (32-bit) | 104KB |
vsruledb.dll | Zone Labs | TrueVector Service | 617.3KB |
vsrwui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 236KB |
vss_ddu.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 33.5KB |
vss_ps.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 16.5KB |
vssapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 399.5KB |
vsscc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 736.3KB |
vssccui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 69.5KB |
vsscenario.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio.NET | 288KB |
vssddups.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 6KB |
vssetupreqs.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 188KB |
vssln.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 472.3KB |
vsslnui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio | 74KB |
vsstask.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 30KB |
vsstrace.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 51.5KB |
vsstskex.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 44.5KB |
vssui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 125.5KB |
vsswmi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 115KB |
vst.dll | Adobe | Adobe Audition™ German Language Module | 4KB |
VSTBridge.dll | Nero | VstBridge | 636.6KB |
vstdlib.dll | 84.1KB | ||
vstdlib_s.dll | Valve | Steam | 217.9KB |
vstdlib_s64.dll | Valve | Steam | 339.6KB |
vstdll.dll | Steinberg Media Technologies | Cubase SX/Nuendo | 118KB |
vstdx.dll | Steinberg Media Technologies | VST DirectX Plug-in Wrapper for Cubase and Nuendo | 164KB |
vstdynamics.dll | Spectral Design | WaveLab | 1.7MB |
vstiff.dll | Systems Compatibility | Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System | 25.8KB |
vstlbinf.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 160KB |
vstoee.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | 115.2KB |
VSTOInstallerUI.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | 10.8KB |
VSTOMessageProvider.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 | 51KB |
vstr.dll | 64KB | ||
vstringball.dll | Adobe | Vindaloo | 296KB |
vsui50.dll | McAfee | McAfee VirusScan | 252KB |
vsupdate.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 352KB |
vsupdui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 1.6MB |
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