Sleepycat Software DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Sleepycat Software. Currently we have 4 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Sleepycat Software software like; Sleepycat Software libdb or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
libdb.dll | Sleepycat Software libdb | | 236KB |
libdb32.dll | Sleepycat Software libdb | | 408KB |
libdb40.dll | Sleepycat Software libdb | | 488KB |
libdb44.dll | Sleepycat Software libdb | | 784KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
pegreg32.dll | Pegasus Software | Pegasus Software | 39.5KB |
slmdmsp.dll | Software Modem | 216KB | |
sfxbar.dll | Software FX | Software FX, Inc. | 116.5KB |
BPOS.dll | Best Software | Best! Software products | 20KB |
DPCALC.dll | Sage Software | Best Software Network products | 388KB |
aswRec.dll | AVAST Software | avast! Antivirus | 33KB |
DiffEng32.dll | BreakPoint Software | BreakPoint Software, Inc. Common Utilities | 25.6KB |
primosdk.dll | VERITAS Software | Prassi PrimoSDK | 104KB |
bp_da.dll | BreakPoint Software | Hex Workshop | 68KB |
FAIBL15.dll | ARGUS Software | FAIBL | 492KB |
w32msiCA.dll | Pervasive Software | Pervasive PSQL 10.30 | 709.3KB |
cp_axucp.dll | Cosmo Software | Cosmo Player | 85.6KB |
jlem7.dll | Jasc Software | Jlem7 | 47.5KB |
cinmst32.dll | VIONA | Cinemaster Software DVD | 1.1MB |
Cinmst32.dll | VIONA | CineMaster Software DVD | 2.8MB |
rhgbtn32.dll | Blue Sky Software | RoboHELP™ Blue Sky Software | 57.5KB |