Signum Cia DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by SIGNUM Cía. Ltda. Quito, Ecuador. Currently we have 3 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Signum Cia software like; Spanish Spelling Engine, Spanish Thesaurus Engine, Spanish Hyphenation Engine or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
mshy3es.dll | Spanish Hyphenation Engine | | 667.5KB |
mssp3es.dll | Spanish Spelling Engine | | 731.5KB |
msth3es.dll | Spanish Thesaurus Engine | | 208.5KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
formdll.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft ActiveSync | 56.1KB |
nvrses.dll | NVIDIA | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Ver | 132KB |
nvrsesm.dll | NVIDIA | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Ver | 276KB |
web034.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Pinnacle Systems WebServer | 36KB |
watch_ls.dll | Common Group | Watch Dog | 100KB |
appwzesp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | 240KB |
sues.dll | Sierra Entertainment | SierraUp Spanish Resource DLL | 56KB |
ssce5332.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Windows SDK | 176KB |
SSCE5564.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine for Windows | 329KB |
SSCE5532.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine for Windows | 261.5KB |
SSCE5532.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine for Windows | 234.9KB |
ssce5232.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine | 142.5KB |
ssce5132.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine | 143.1KB |
sscedll.dll | Wintertree Software | Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine | 132KB |
stuffit5.engine-5.1.dll | Aladdin Knowledge Systems | StuffIt Engine | 279.5KB |
tispan32.dll | SoftVoice | Microsoft Plus! for Kids Talk It! - SoftVoice Span | 65KB |
synsoacc2.dll | RF1911 | SEMU1911 | 4KB |