DLL Files List Starting With s
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "S". Currently we have 2187 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by SafeNet, Barking Dog Studios, Microsoft and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
selfreg.dll | Microsoft | SelfReg | 31.5KB |
selfsigncertmsg.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 3KB |
semaphore.dll | 7.5KB | ||
semcomn.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 88KB |
semcros.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 172KB |
semdll.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 108KB |
semdts.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 120.1KB |
semexec.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 684KB |
semmap.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 60KB |
semnt.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 36KB |
semobj.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 384KB |
semrepl.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 524KB |
semsfc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 224.1KB |
semsys.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 396KB |
semwebwz.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 128KB |
semwiz.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 384KB |
sendcmsg.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 26.5KB |
sendcom.dll | Sony | Sony Send Command DLL | 48KB |
senddmpres.dll | Autodesk | AutoCAD | 132KB |
sendmail.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 124KB |
sendmessage.dll | Bessems-IT | Bessems-IT sendmessage | 24KB |
sendsms.dll | SendSMS Application | 224KB | |
sendto.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Outlook | 73.4KB |
sendto9.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Outlook | 64KB |
Sens.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 48KB |
SensApi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 12.5KB |
senscfg.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System | 14.3KB |
sensor32.dll | Symantec | Norton Utilities for Windows | 1.1MB |
SensorPerformanceEvents.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 24KB |
SensorsAlsDriver.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 35.5KB |
SensorsApi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 335.5KB |
SensorsClassExtension.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 79.5KB |
SensorsCpl.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 2MB |
SensorsHid.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 122.5KB |
SensorsHIDClassDriver.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 184KB |
SensorsServiceDriver.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 79.5KB |
sensrsvc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 129.5KB |
Sentinel.v3.5Client.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft .NET Framework | 5.5KB |
SentinelKeyW.dll | SafeNet | Sentinel Keys | 2.8MB |
sentw9x.dll | Rainbow Technologies | Rainbow Technologies Sentinel | 39KB |
seo.dll | Microsoft | Internet Information Services | 216.5KB |
sepa.dll | sepa Dynamic Link Library | 164KB | |
SEPSessionPluginRes.dll | Symantec | Symantec Client Management Component | 47.9KB |
seqchk10.dll | Microsoft | Complex Scripts Sequence Check | 88KB |
serchk.dll | Symantec | Norton Utilities for Windows | 72KB |
serctl.dll | Symantec | Norton Utilities for Windows | 656KB |
serialdrvr.dll | Palm | 260.1KB | |
seriallock.dll | ASI Lock | 168KB | |
serialphonetask.dll | Palm | 272.1KB | |
serialui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 14KB |
sernumdll.dll | WildPackets | Wild Packets, Inc. SerNumDll | 28KB |
ServDeps.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 118.5KB |
server.dll | Barking Dog Studios | Global Operations Client | 428KB |
serverbrowser.dll | 404KB | ||
service.dll | Inovaware | PRISM/SQL Server | 512KB |
servicecomponent.dll | Viewpoint | Viewpoint Media Player Service Component | 52.1KB |
ServiceManager-Launcher_x64.dll | Adobe | Adobe CS5 Service Manager | 322KB |
ServiceManagerHelper.dll | Auslogics | BoostSpeed | 168.4KB |
services.dll | 18.5KB | ||
serwvdrv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 14.5KB |
sesclups.dll | Symantec | Symantec Client Management Component | 20.9KB |
SessEnv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 306KB |
Sessions.dll | Shengalts Aleksander | 69.5KB | |
sessionservice1.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft QuickStart Tutorials | 6.5KB |
sessionservice1js.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft QuickStart Tutorials | 8KB |
sessionservice1vb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft QuickStart Tutorials | 7.5KB |
setattr.dll | Interactive Image Technologies | Multisim V6 | 404KB |
setfileu.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Liquid | 22KB |
setiface.dll | 88KB | ||
SetNetworkLocation.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 34.5KB |
setting_fi.dll | Setting_fi.dll | 780KB | |
setting_it.dll | Settings | 780KB | |
setting_nl.dll | Settings | 780KB | |
setting_sw.dll | Settings | 780KB | |
SettingMonitor.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 127.5KB |
SettingPanel.dll | CyberLink | PowerDirector | 431.8KB |
Settings.dll | Nokia | Nokia Ovi Suite 2 | 177.9KB |
Settings_b.dll | 1.1MB | ||
settings_object.dll | Sony | settings_object Module | 884.1KB |
SettingSync.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 348KB |
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