DLL Files List Starting With r
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "R". Currently we have 862 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Propellerhead Software, ArcSoft, Autodesk and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
res407.dll | 16KB | ||
res409.dll | 16KB | ||
res40c.dll | 16KB | ||
res410.dll | 16KB | ||
res411.dll | 16KB | ||
res415.dll | 16KB | ||
res41f.dll | 16KB | ||
res5.dll | Autodesk | 3ds max | 52KB |
res6.dll | Autodesk | 3ds max | 36KB |
res7.dll | Autodesk | 3ds max | 24KB |
res8.dll | Autodesk | 3ds max | 12KB |
res_dll.dll | ArcSoft | ArcSoft Resource DLL | 220KB |
res_ie.dll | 44KB | ||
res_msgr.dll | Yahoo | Yahoo! Messenger | 536KB |
res_ps.dll | ArcSoft | ArcSoft PhotoStudio | 2.5MB |
resample.dll | Pegasys | Pegasys Resample/DirectShow Decode Filter | 168KB |
RESAMPLEDMO.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 203.5KB |
Resampler192.dll | Spectral Design | Wavelab | 504KB |
rescdl.dll | Symantec | Norton Core Technology | 80KB |
rescom1024.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Studio | 23MB |
rescom1280.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Studio | 33MB |
rescom1600.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Studio | 44.8MB |
rescom800.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Studio | 19.9MB |
rescombmp.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Studio | 9.8MB |
rescomus.dll | Pinnacle Systems | Pinnacle Systems Studio | 176KB |
rescue.dll | Symantec | Norton Core Technology | 632KB |
RescueCenterHelper.dll | Auslogics | Shared Library | 528.4KB |
resdev32.dll | ACARD Technology | ACARD ResDev32 | 28KB |
resdll.dll | Mathsoft Engineering & Education | ResDll Dynamic Link Library | 236.1KB |
resedit.dll | Microsoft | Visual Basic 6 Resource Editor | 360KB |
reseditui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 320KB |
reseng.dll | SmartFTP | SmartFTP | 712KB |
resenu.dll | Beiks | Pilot Catapult | 56KB |
resero.dll | Resero Module | 1.9MB | |
reseteng.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 834.5KB |
resex.dll | Nero | 48KB | |
resizablewnd.dll | InterVideo | Ulead PhotoImpact | 69.5KB |
resize.dll | Autodesk | RESIZE Library | 60.1KB |
reslog32.dll | 84.1KB | ||
resman.dll | 69KB | ||
resmgr.dll | Autodesk | 3ds max | 24KB |
resolve3.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Commerce Server(R) 2000 | 24.3KB |
resource.dll | Feuerstein Soft | MoreTV | 72KB |
resourcedll.dll | ONTRACK Data International | Disk Manager 2000 | 3.3MB |
resourcemanager.dll | Allen Communication | Quest Authoring System | 184.5KB |
resourcemgr.dll | Syracuse Language Systems | ResourceMgr | 31.5KB |
resourceobject.dll | MUSICMATCH | MUSICMATCH JUKEBOX | 10.5KB |
resources.dll | Macromedia | Macromedia Dreamweaver | 1.6MB |
resrc.dll | 188KB | ||
ressplash.dll | resSplash Dynamic Link Library | 1.2MB | |
restable.dll | resTable Dynamic Link Library | 232KB | |
RestApi.dll | ArcSoft | user RestApi | 86.5KB |
restorrc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (r) PCHealth | 20.3KB |
restrictedlib.dll | 5.5KB | ||
RestSharp.dll | RestSharp Project | RestSharp | 152.8KB |
resutils.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 291.5KB |
Reverb1.dll | CubeTec International | Reverb | 790KB |
Reverb2.dll | CubeTec International | Reverb | 790KB |
Reverb6.dll | CubeTec International | Reverb | 797.5KB |
reverse.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 13KB |
REVOLT64.dll | Valve | Steam Client API | 118.4KB |
rewire.dll | Propellerhead Software | Propellerhead Software ReBirth RB-338 | 24.5KB |
rewired.dll | Image-Line | ReWired | 721.5KB |
Rewired_Core.dll | Guavaman Enterprises | Rewired | 1.2MB |
Rewired_Windows_Lib.dll | Guavaman Enterprises | Rewired | 975KB |
rex.dll | Propellerhead Software | ReCycle | 252KB |
RexSharedLibrary.dll | Propellerhead Software | REX SDK | 228KB |
RFactor.dll | Nero | RFactor | 126.3KB |
rffilext.dll | Microsoft | Application Center | 176.7KB |
rfinstallroutines.dll | Reality Fusion | RfInstallRoutines | 44KB |
rfmdd.dll | S3 Graphics | S3 Ready For Multimedia Direct Draw Driver | 138.6KB |
rfmk2v.dll | 6.5KB | ||
rfnullvideo.dll | Reality Fusion | RfNullVideo | 52KB |
rfperfmon.dll | Microsoft | Application Center | 11.4KB |
rfpipe.dll | Microsoft | Application Center | 49KB |
rfutils.dll | Reality Fusion | RfUtils | 392KB |
rfvideo.dll | Hitchcock-Manthey | Rapid Fire Video Library | 203.5KB |
rfvpb.dll | Reality Fusion | Bouncer | 1.7MB |
rfvpptb.dll | Reality Fusion | Bubbles | 328KB |
rfvps.dll | Reality Fusion | Shoop | 1.6MB |
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