Pulse Entertainment DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Pulse Entertainment, Inc. Currently we have 5 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Pulse Entertainment software like; Pulse Core Module, Pulse Player, AxPulse Core Module or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
apuls219.dll | AxPulse Core Module | | 435.5KB |
axpulse.dll | Pulse Player | | 128KB |
p32s.dll | Pulse Core Module | | 796KB |
puls.dll | Pulse Core Module | | 800KB |
puls223.dll | Pulse Core Module | | 820KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
cddbcontrolroxio.dll | Gracenote | CDDBControl Core Module | 556KB |
cddbcontrolwinamp.dll | Gracenote | CDDBControl Core Module | 172KB |
cddbrealcontrol.dll | Gracenote | CDDBControl Core Module | 324KB |
cddbcontrolapple.dll | Gracenote | CDDBControl Core Module | 484KB |
pipcore7.dll | Microsoft | Core CD Engine Module | 2.1MB |
CDDBControl.dll | Gracenote | CDDBControl Core Module | 1.9MB |
BaseCore.dll | EdrawSoft | Base Core Module | 178.3KB |
StdUserOnline.dll | Miranda | Standard User-Is-Online module | 11.5KB |
cddbcontrol.dll | CDDB | CDDBControl Module | 1MB |
eaxmatch.dll | Electronic Arts | EAXMatch Module | 477.5KB |
avgcorea.dll | AVG | AVG Internet Security | 10.6MB |
avgcorex.dll | AVG | AVG Internet Security | 8.4MB |
S32MTHKL.dll | Symantec | Symantec Core Technology | 6KB |
S32MAILL.dll | Symantec | Symantec Core Technology | 11KB |
aticore.dll | ATI Technologies | ATI Multimedia Center | 1.2MB |