Polderland Language & Speech Technology DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Polderland Language & Speech Technology. Currently we have 3 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Polderland Language & Speech Technology software like; Polderland mshy3nl.dll 1.1, Polderland mssp3nl.dll 1.3, Polderland msthnl32 2.0 or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
MSHY3NL.dll | Polderland mshy3nl.dll 1.1 | | 64KB |
MSSP3NL.dll | Polderland mssp3nl.dll 1.3 | | 248KB |
MSTH3NL.dll | Polderland msthnl32 2.0 | | 56KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
msth3es.dll | Signum Cia | Spanish Thesaurus Engine | 208.5KB |
msth3ua.dll | ProLing | Ruta Thesaurus | 156KB |
msthes3.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Thesaurus | 48KB |
nvrsnl.dll | NVIDIA | NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Ver | 128KB |
MSTH3ES.dll | Microsoft | Natural Language Components | 333.9KB |
msth3ru.dll | Informatic AO | Russian Thesaurus | 180KB |
watch_ld.dll | Common Group | Watch Dog | 100KB |
panel_nl.dll | Panel | 116KB | |
say.dll | Bessems-IT | Bessems-IT Say | 64KB |
wweb32.dll | WordWeb Software | WordWeb | 1.1MB |
wweb32.dll | WordWeb Software | WordWeb | 1.1MB |
ctdcrdut.dll | Creative Technology | Creative Audio Product | 36KB |
wt9_1cbe.dll | Corel | Corel Writing Tools | 288KB |
wt9cbe.dll | Corel | Corel Writing Tools | 276KB |
inresdut.dll | Creative Technology | Creative Technology Limited instRes | 20KB |
PFIT90NL.dll | Corel | WordPerfect (R) Office 2000 | 1.8MB |
0413.dll | Electronic Arts | Dimple | 16KB |