Océ-Technologies DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Océ-Technologies B.V. Currently we have 3 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Océ-Technologies software like; Océ 31x5 Language, Océ 31x5 Rendering or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
31x5lc04.dll | Océ 31x5 Language | 0.3.260 | 8.5KB |
31x5ls04.dll | Océ 31x5 Language | 0.3.260 | 8.5KB |
31x5rc04.dll | Océ 31x5 Rendering | 0.3.260 | 150.5KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
AD2KREGP.dll | Adobe | AdobePS5 Rendering Plug-in | 14KB |
ADREGP.dll | Adobe | AdobePS5 Rendering Plug-in | 38.2KB |
xxpclru1.dll | Xerox | Xerox Unidrv5 Rendering Plugin. | 25KB |
xrxnpcl.dll | Xerox | Xerox Unidrv5 Rendering Plugin. | 12.5KB |
xrenm760.dll | Xerox | Xerox Unidrv5 Rendering Plugin. | 19KB |
xrenm750.dll | Xerox | Xerox Unidrv5 Rendering Plugin. | 19KB |
dbvfrnd.dll | DiamondBack Vision | ObjectVideo Plug-in | 1.3MB |
DVCRenderingAdapter.dll | Citrix Systems | DVC Rendering Adapter | 100.9KB |
cosmord.dll | Silicon Graphics | Cosmo Rendering Library | 1.2MB |
aarender.dll | Audible | AudibleAudio Rendering Plugin | 380KB |
mp3r3260.dll | RealNetworks | MPEG Audio Rendering plugin for RealSystem G2 (32- | 148KB |
lxaasrdr.dll | Lexmark | Lexmark Z42 Color Jetprinter | 14KB |
lxrosrdr.dll | Lexmark | Lexmark Z51 Color Jetprinter | 14KB |
lxacsrdr.dll | Lexmark | Lexmark Z52 Color Jetprinter | 14KB |
cq12srdr.dll | Compaq | Compaq IJ1200 Inkjet Printer | 14KB |
lxadsrdr.dll | Lexmark | Lexmark Z12 Color Jetprinter | 14KB |
lxmdsrdr.dll | Lexmark | Lexmark Z31 Color Jetprinter | 14KB |