DLL Files List Starting With m
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "M". Currently we have 2356 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Microsoft, SweetIM Technologies, Citrix Systems and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
mfs.dll | Cisco | MM Media File Sharing Module | 642KB |
mfsrcsnk.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 438.5KB |
mfsrvsal.dll | Citrix Systems | Citrix MetaFrame XP | 96.3KB |
mfsrvss.dll | Citrix Systems | Citrix MetaFrame XP | 256.4KB |
mfsvr.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 827.8KB |
mftranscode.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 229KB |
mfvdsp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 53KB |
MFWMAAEC.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 738KB |
mfx_mft_h264vd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 272KB |
mfx_mft_h264vd_w7_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 446KB |
mfx_mft_h264vd_w7_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 532KB |
mfx_mft_h264ve_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.3MB |
mfx_mft_h264ve_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.6MB |
mfx_mft_h264ve_w7_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 451KB |
mfx_mft_h265ve_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.3MB |
mfx_mft_h265ve_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.6MB |
mfx_mft_mjpgvd_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.2MB |
mfx_mft_mjpgvd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.5MB |
mfx_mft_mjpgvd_w7_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 532.5KB |
mfx_mft_mp2vd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 272KB |
mfx_mft_vc1vd_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 232KB |
mfx_mft_vc1vd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 271.5KB |
mfx_mft_vc1vd_w7_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 446KB |
mfx_mft_vc1vd_w7_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 532KB |
mfx_mft_vp8vd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.5MB |
mfx_mft_vp9vd_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.2MB |
mfx_mft_vp9vd_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 1.5MB |
mfx_mft_vpp_32.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 241KB |
mfx_mft_vpp_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 281KB |
mfx_mft_vpp_w7_64.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK | 512.5KB |
mfxplugin32_hw.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK Plugin | 576.8KB |
mfxplugin64_hw.dll | Intel | Intel Media SDK Plugin | 672.7KB |
mg3d.dll | MultiMedia Computer | MultiMedia MaGIS Professional Studio | 304KB |
mg_snd.dll | 268KB | ||
mga.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 89.9KB |
mga64.dll | Matrox Graphics | Matrox Millennium/Mystique Display Driver | 494.4KB |
mgaud.dll | Matrox Graphics | Matrox Millennium/Mystique Display Driver | 230.1KB |
mgcnv.dll | MultiMedia Computer | MultiMedia MaGIS | 236KB |
mgcommunication.dll | SweetIM Technologies | communication | 40.3KB |
mgdd.dll | 50KB | ||
mgdlgs.dll | MGDLGS Dynamic Link Library | 124.5KB | |
mgemu.dll | MGEmu Dynamic Link Library | 218.5KB | |
mggeom.dll | 36.5KB | ||
mgidem.dll | MultiMedia Computer | MultiMedia MaGIS | 192KB |
mgmtapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 22.5KB |
mgsimcommon.dll | SweetIM Technologies | simcommon | 96.3KB |
mgsmsg.dll | Microgaming | Microgaming Message Output DLL | 116.1KB |
mgspid.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Corporation MGSPID | 76KB |
mgUpdateSupport.dll | SweetIM Technologies | UpdateSupport | 292.3KB |
mgwhelp.dll | Jose Fonseca | Dr. Mingw | 649.2KB |
mgwz.dll | 55.5KB | ||
mgxoschk.dll | Magix | 148KB | |
mgxsptca.dll | Micrografx | Micrografx Designer 9.0 | 24KB |
mgxsptcd.dll | Micrografx | Micrografx Designer 9.0 | 52KB |
mhd.dll | 160KB | ||
mhlbl.dll | mhLbl Module | 37KB | |
mhook.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center | 14.2KB |
mhpres7.dll | Microsoft | MHPRes Module | 4.9MB |
mhputil7.dll | Microsoft | MHPUtil Module | 900KB |
mhputilu.dll | Microsoft | MHPUtil Module | 792.1KB |
mhpwa7.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Picture It! | 172KB |
mi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 111KB |
mibincodec.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 73KB |
micmutex.dll | Lenovo | On screen display | 81.4KB |
micqbirthday.dll | 218.5KB | ||
micropipe.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Commerce Server | 80.3KB |
microsoft-windows-battery-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 11.5KB |
microsoft-windows-hal-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 6KB |
microsoft-windows-kernel-pnp-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 33KB |
microsoft-windows-kernel-power-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 50.5KB |
microsoft-windows-kernel-processor-power-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 46.5KB |
microsoft-windows-pdc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 34KB |
microsoft-windows-processor-aggregator-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 3.5KB |
microsoft-windows-sleepstudy-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 5.5KB |
microsoft-windows-storage-tiering-events.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 5.5KB |
Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Excel.BackEnd.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 1.7MB |
Microsoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Management.Interop.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 110.5KB |
Microsoft.BitLocker.Structures.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System | 12KB |
Microsoft.Build.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft .NET Framework | 1.3MB |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft .NET Framework | 624KB |
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