DLL Files List Starting With m
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "M". Currently we have 2356 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Relic Entertainment, Microsoft, Celemony Software and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
mdimon.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Office Document Imaging | 17.5KB |
mdippr.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Office Document Imaging | 18.5KB |
mdiui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Office Document Imaging | 34.5KB |
mdivwctl.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Office Document Imaging | 433.5KB |
MDKitAdapter.dll | Adobe | Adobe Acrobat | 178.7KB |
mdll32.dll | 48KB | ||
MDMAppProv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 124KB |
mdminst.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 159KB |
mdmregistration.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 172.5KB |
MDMSettingsProv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 314KB |
mdmshrup.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System | 6.8KB |
mdmui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 24KB |
mdmxsdk.dll | Conexant | Diagnostic Interface | 56KB |
mdnsNSP.dll | Apple | Bonjour | 144KB |
mDNSResponder.dll | Apple | Bonjour | 387KB |
mdrive.dll | Muon Software | Muon Software M-Drive | 216KB |
mdsmount.dll | DT Soft | DAEMON Tools | 11KB |
mdsync.dll | Microsoft | Internet Information Services | 26KB |
mdt2db.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 664KB |
mdt2dbns.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 364KB |
mdt2dbui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 65.3KB |
mdt2dd.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 460KB |
mdt2ddui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 13.8KB |
mdt2df.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 604KB |
mdt2dfx.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 24KB |
mdt2fref.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 44KB |
mdt2fw.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 552.1KB |
mdt2fw95.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 63.7KB |
mdt2fwui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 62.3KB |
mdt2g.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 588KB |
mdt2gddo.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 60KB |
mdt2gddr.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 124KB |
mdt2gkor.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 492KB |
mdt2lv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 513.9KB |
mdt2qd.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 1.2MB |
mdt2qdui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 59.3KB |
mdt2sd.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Design Tools | 479.9KB |
mdt3g.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | 820.1KB |
mdw9x70.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | 108.1KB |
mdwmdmsp.dll | RioPort | MDM Core | 144.5KB |
mealmgcl.dll | McAfee | Management Edition | 40KB |
mech_engine.dll | MathWorks | Physical Modeling, Mechanical driver | 600KB |
mechanical.dll | MathWorks | Mechanical Blockset | 732KB |
med.dll | Irfan Skiljan | MED player for IrfanView | 148KB |
medb632.dll | Lotus Development | Mail Engine for Windows | 342.5KB |
medcat.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Clip Gallery | 364KB |
medctroc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 15.5KB |
media.dll | 76KB | ||
MediaAccessibility.dll | Apple | 60.3KB | |
mediabuild30.dll | InstallShield Software | InstallShield | 512KB |
mediabuild40.dll | InstallShield Software | InstallShield (R) | 544KB |
MediaCoreUI.dll | Adobe | Adobe Media Encoder CC 2015 | 566.7KB |
mediadatabase.dll | Spruce Technologies | Spruce Technologies MediaDatabase | 240KB |
mediafile.dll | Spruce Technologies | Spruce Technologies Sal | 712KB |
MediaFoundation.dll | Adobe | Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 | 777.7KB |
MediaInfo.dll | MediaInfo 动态链接库 | 63.5KB | |
MediaInfo_i386.dll | MediaArea.net | MediaInfo | 4.7MB |
medialibrarynse.dll | Nero | Nero File Dialog | 344KB |
MediaMetadataHandler.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 348.5KB |
medianblur.dll | medianblur for avisynth 2.5 | 116KB | |
mediaplayer.dll | Shareaza | Shareaza File Sharing Client | 356KB |
mediaplayerv2.dll | Roxio | Easy CD Creator Engine | 480KB |
MediaSetupUIMgr.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 24.3MB |
mediasink.dll | RealNetworks | Helix Producer SDK | 52.1KB |
MediaToolbox.dll | Apple | CoreMedia | 4.4MB |
MediaUtils.dll | Adobe | Adobe Media Encoder CC 2014 | 95.7KB |
mediaxw.dll | Ingo Ralf Blum | MediaXW Direct Show Filters, ICM and ACM Drivers | 1.5MB |
megatrancer.dll | Audio Mechanic & Sound Breeder | Megatrancer | 56KB |
mekupd.dll | Ratloop | RatUpdater Dynamic Link Library | 348KB |
meleecolors.dll | RK Computer Consulting | WoTMUD Melee Colors | 56KB |
melodynebridge.dll | Celemony Software | Melodyne Bridge | 856KB |
mem.dll | 64KB | ||
memdump.dll | 24KB | ||
memdump_x64_rwdi.dll | 24.3KB | ||
memf3260.dll | RealNetworks | Memory File System plugin for RealMedia (32-bit) | 47.5KB |
memgrp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 46.5KB |
memimg.dll | Microsoft | Application Center | 21.5KB |
MemMgr.dll | 61.3KB | ||
memory.dll | Relic Entertainment | Relic Entertainment Inc. memory | 32.5KB |
MemoryAnalyzer.dll | Microsoft | Internet Explorer | 1.8MB |
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