DLL Files List Starting With m
On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "M". Currently we have 2356 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Microsoft, Informatic AO, Lernout & Hauspie and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
msempui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 7KB |
msenc10.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Visual Studio | 60.1KB |
msenc70.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 96KB |
msenc70ui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 16KB |
msencode.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Character Encoder | 92.1KB |
msenv.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Development Environment | 2.9MB |
msenv2ui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Development Environment | 336.5KB |
msenvmnu.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 40KB |
msenvmui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 84KB |
msenvp.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Development Environment | 53.8KB |
msenvui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 236KB |
msexch35.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Jet | 322.3KB |
msexch40.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Jet | 500KB |
msexcl35.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Jet | 246.8KB |
msexcl40.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft (R) Jet | 312KB |
msfdpb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Money | 452KB |
msfeeds.dll | Microsoft | Windows Internet Explorer | 577KB |
msfeedsbs.dll | Microsoft | Internet Explorer | 42KB |
msfl11.dll | Equis International | MetaStock File Library | 200.1KB |
msfs32.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Exchange | 460KB |
msftedit.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 3.2MB |
msgblder.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 80KB |
msgbldui.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Visual Studio .NET | 192KB |
msgbox.dll | Northern Codeworks | MsgBox | 28KB |
MsgBoxEx.dll | IObit | Message Box DLL | 1.1MB |
msgbsutl.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 176.1KB |
msgccmcs.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft NetMeeting(TM) | 38.8KB |
msgcompo.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 230.1KB |
msgdb.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 68.7KB |
msgimap.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 320.8KB |
msgina.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 945.5KB |
msglnch.dll | Logitech | Logitech QuickCam | 112KB |
msglocal.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 155.3KB |
msgmapi.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 36.4KB |
msgmdn.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 19.1KB |
msgnews.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 162.1KB |
msgprox.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft SQL Server | 88.1KB |
msgr2en.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Grammar Checker | 1.4MB |
msgr3en.dll | Microsoft | Natural Language Components | 3.2MB |
MSGR3FR.dll | Microsoft | Natural Language Components | 1MB |
msgr3ge.dll | Microsoft | Natural Language Components | 1.3MB |
MSGR8FR.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Office 2016 | 529.7KB |
msgrapp.dll | Microsoft | MSN Messenger | 84KB |
msgrchkr.dll | Microsoft | MSN Games by Zone.com | 75.6KB |
MSGREN32.DLL | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Grammar Checker | 1.5MB |
msgres32.dll | 367KB | ||
msgrfr32.dll | Lernout & Hauspie | Linguistics | 286.5KB |
msgrge32.dll | Lernout & Hauspie | Linguistics | 315.5KB |
msgrocm.dll | Microsoft | Messenger | 56KB |
msgrru32.dll | Informatic AO | 392KB | |
msgsc.dll | Microsoft | Messenger | 46.4KB |
msgslang.dll | Microsoft | Messenger | 148KB |
msgsmime.dll | Mozilla | Mozilla | 20KB |
msgstrpc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Pocket Office | 56.1KB |
msgstrst.dll | Microsoft | MSN(tm) Messenger Service | 20.3KB |
msgsvc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 33.5KB |
msgsys.dll | Intel | Intel Common Base Agent | 20.5KB |
msgtest.dll | Citrix Systems | Citrix Independent Management Architecture | 32.4KB |
msgvacm.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft DirectX for Windows 95 and 98 | 76KB |
msgvip.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft DirectX for Windows 95 and 98 | 76KB |
msgvtran.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft DirectX for Windows 95 and 98 | 236KB |
msgvve.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft DirectX pour Windows 95 et Windows 98 | 252KB |
msgvvox.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft DirectX for Windows 95 and 98 | 172KB |
msh_zwf.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Pointing Device Software | 41KB |
mshcmd.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft IntelliType Pro | 364KB |
mshlocal.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Input Device Software | 26KB |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 2.9MB |
MshtmlDac.dll | Microsoft | Internet Explorer | 63KB |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft | Internet Explorer | 90KB |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 56KB |
mshtmlmedia.dll | Microsoft | Windows Internet Explorer | 702.5KB |
mshtmltb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 79.5KB |
mshtmpgd.dll | Microsoft | DHTMLPageDesigner Object Library | 216KB |
mshtmpgr.dll | Microsoft | DHTMLPageDesigner Object Library | 100KB |
mshvc2.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 64KB |
mshvchat.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 64KB |
mshvdsc.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 56KB |
mshvhw.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 48KB |
mshvkbi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 52KB |
mshvpres.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Game Voice | 76KB |
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