Firebird DLL Files
Firebird Project

Firebird is an open-source SQL relational database management system that runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS and several Unix platforms. On this page you can find DLL files developed by Firebird Project. Currently we have 4 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Firebird software like; Firebird SQL Server or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.

File Name Description Version Size
fbclient.dll Firebird SQL Server 348.1KB
fbintl.dll Firebird SQL Server 668KB
gds32.dll Firebird SQL Server 540KB
ib_util.dll Firebird SQL Server 7.5KB
Similar DLL Files
File Name Developer Software Size
sqllex.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 132KB
xpqueue.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 48.1KB
XPREPL.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 68.3KB
repldp.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 84.3KB
ssrpub.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 33.5KB
repldts.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 96.1KB
replprox.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 180.1KB
replsync.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 60.3KB
ssrmax.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 37.5KB
sqlvdir.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 232.1KB
msgprox.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 88.1KB
replres.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 72.3KB
W95SCM.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 29KB
ssradd.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 41.5KB
semwebwz.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 128KB
ssrmin.dll Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server 37.5KB
New DLL Files
Ucrtbase.dll - Microsoft Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 10.0.1 · Size: 992.8KB
Libomp140.x86_64.dll - LLVM* OpenMP* Runtime Library
Developer: LLVM · Ver: 5.0.20 · Size: 682.5KB
OxyPlot.dll - OxyPlot
Developer: OxyPlot · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 561.5KB
OxyPlot.WindowsForms.dll - OxyPlot.WindowsForms
Developer: OxyPlot.WindowsForms · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 26KB
Newtonsoft.Json.dll - Json.NET
Developer: Newtonsoft · Ver: 13.0.1 · Size: 685.5KB
Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll - Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler
Developer: GitHub Community · Ver: 2.10.1 · Size: 326KB
Most Downloaded Files
CoreFoundation.dll - CoreFoundation
Developer: Apple · Ver: 1.750 · Size: 1.6MB
Msvcp140.dll - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 14.0.2 · Size: 429.3KB
Vcruntime140.dll - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 14.0.2 · Size: 87.2KB
Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll - Microsoft Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 10.0.1 · Size: 22.7KB
Xlive.dll - Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 2.0.68 · Size: 13.6MB
Binkw32.dll - Bink
Developer: RAD Game Tools · Ver: 3.0.0 · Size: 279.5KB
Mss32.dll - Miles Sound System
Developer: RAD Game Tools · Ver: 9.3.0 · Size: 436.5KB