Data Dynamics DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Data Dynamics. Currently we have 3 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Data Dynamics software like; Data Dynamics ActiveReports, ActiveReports excel export, ActiveReports Text Export or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
actrpt.dll | Data Dynamics ActiveReports | | 992KB |
exclexpt.dll | ActiveReports excel export | | 244KB |
textexpt.dll | ActiveReports Text Export | | 56KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
export.dll | Abbyy | FineReader | 1.6MB |
abiewcsv.dll | Corel | CorelCENTRAL TM 9 | 68KB |
EXPTOOWS.dll | Microsoft | Export Excel List to SharePoint | 21.8KB |
exptoows.dll | Microsoft | Export Excel List to SharePoint | 13.1KB |
u2ftext.dll | Seagate | Crystal Reports | 88KB |
u2ftext.dll | Seagate | Crystal Reports | 92KB |
x3ftxen.dll | Business Objects | Crystal Reports | 8.5KB |
u2fxls.dll | Seagate | Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports | 212KB |
u2fxls.dll | Seagate | Excel Export Format DLL for Crystal Reports | 208KB |
plgn3260.dll | RealNetworks | RealMedia Export GUI Architecture (32-bit) | 265.5KB |
dssbase.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System | 142.3KB |
html.dll | Adobe | HTML Export | 352.1KB |
xml.dll | Adobe | XML Export | 344.1KB |
r3tffplin.dll | Intel | RealText 3D (3D Text for RealNetworks) | 99KB |
r3trndr.dll | Intel | RealText 3D (3D Text for RealNetworks) | 71KB |
itextbox.dll | Derivco | Microgaming Text Box Handler | 64.1KB |
crxf_xls.dll | Business Objects | Crystal Reports | 884KB |