Dart Communications DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Dart Communications. Currently we have 4 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Dart Communications software like; PowerTCP Tools or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
dartftp.dll | PowerTCP Tools | | 192KB |
dartsock.dll | PowerTCP Tools | | 156KB |
DartUtil.dll | PowerTCP Tools | | 112KB |
dartweb.dll | PowerTCP Tools | | 104KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
nsmapi32.dll | Netscape | Netscape Communications Simple MAPI | 67KB |
msmeirsock_object.dll | Sony | MSMEIrSock_object Module | 264KB |
db_objects.dll | Sony | DB_objects Module | 120KB |
ms98irsock_object.dll | Sony | MS98IrSock_object Module | 240KB |
msirsock_object.dll | Sony | MSIrSock_object Module | 240KB |
esirsock_object.dll | Sony | ESIrSock_object Module | 240KB |
status_object.dll | Sony | status_object Module | 176.1KB |
cellphone_object.dll | Sony | cellphone_object Module | 364.1KB |
settings_object.dll | Sony | settings_object Module | 884.1KB |
obex_object.dll | Sony | obex_object Module | 168.1KB |
aegisE5.dll | Meetinghouse Data Communications | AEGIS Client API | 1.3MB |
Tools.dll | Irfan Skiljan | Tools for IrfanView | 67KB |
dart.dll | Corel | Corel Quattro Pro | 40KB |
phonebook_object.dll | Sony | phonebook_object Module | 180.1KB |
obexsyncreq_object.dll | Sony | obexsyncreq_object Module | 332.1KB |
sms_object.dll | Sony | sms_object Module | 212.1KB |