DLL Files List Starting With d

On this page you can find and download DLL files starting with the letter "D". Currently we have 1678 free dll files in our database which you can use to fix missing dll errors for software developed by Irfan Skiljan, Waves Audio, Microsoft and many others. Please select a file from the below list or search using the form at the top of the page.

File Name Developer Software Size
divx_demux_dmf.dll DivXNetworks DivX DMF Demuxer 1MB
divx_enc_aac.dll DivXNetworks DivX AAC Encoder 312KB
divx_enc_avc.dll DivXNetworks DivX AVC/H.264 Encoder 1.5MB
divx_enc_divx.dll DivXNetworks DivX DivX Video Encoder Library 816KB
divx_enc_mp3.dll DivXNetworks DivX MP3 Audio Encoder Library 652KB
divx_icuuc40.dll IBM International Components for Unicode 1MB
divx_libeay32.dll The OpenSSL Project The OpenSSL Toolkit 1004KB
divx_mfimport.dll DivXNetworks DivX Media Format Importer 840KB
divx_mux_mp4.dll DivXNetworks DivX MP4 Multiplexer 1MB
divx_ssleay32.dll The OpenSSL Project The OpenSSL Toolkit 220KB
divx_xx07.dll DivXNetworks DivXNetworks divx 672KB
divx_xx0a.dll DivXNetworks DivX 828KB
divx_xx0c.dll DivXNetworks DivXNetworks divx 672KB
divx_xx11.dll DivXNetworks DivXョ 820KB
divx_xx16.dll DivXNetworks DivX 824KB
DivXAACDecode.dll DivXNetworks DivXAACDecoder 139.5KB
DivXASPDecode.dll DivXNetworks DivXDecode 161.5KB
DivXAVCDecode.dll DivXNetworks DivXDecode 384KB
divxc32.dll DivXNetworks DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec 404.6KB
divxc32f.dll DivXNetworks DivX ;-) MPEG-4 Video Codec 404.6KB
DivXColorTransform.dll DivXNetworks DivXColorTransform 84KB
DivXControlPanelLauncher.dll DivXNetworks DivX Control Panel 129.9KB
DivXConverterLauncher.dll DivXNetworks DivX Converter 2.4MB
divxdec_0407.dll DivXNetworks DivX Decoder Filter 92KB
divxdec_040c.dll DivXNetworks Filtre décodeur DivX 92KB
divxdec_0411.dll DivXNetworks DivXョ Decoder フィルター 92KB
divxdecoder.dll 388KB
DivXDeinterlaceFilter.dll DivXNetworks DivXDeinterlaceFilter 30.5KB
DivXDownloadManager.dll DivXNetworks DivX Download Manager 641.9KB
divxdra1031.dll DivXNetworks DivX EKG 264KB
divxdra1033.dll DivXNetworks DivX EKG 256KB
divxdra1036.dll DivXNetworks DivX EKG 264KB
divxdra1041.dll DivXNetworks DivX EKG 232KB
DivXHTML5.dll DivXNetworks DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 190.3KB
divxmedialib.dll 84KB
DivXMediaServer.dll Rovi DivX Media Server Media Server Media Server Media Server 1.9MB
DivXMFSource.dll DivXNetworks DivX for Windows 1.3MB
DivXPlaybackModule.dll DivXNetworks DivX Playback Module 1.9MB
divxplayeratiplugin.dll DivXNetworks DivX Player 2.x 72KB
DivXPlusPlayer.dll Rovi DivX Player 1.7MB
DivXPropertyHandler.dll DivXNetworks DivX for Windows 1.3MB
DivXSubDecode.dll DivXNetworks DivXSubDecode 44KB
DivXThumbnailProvider.dll DivXNetworks DivX for Windows 64KB
DivXToGoLauncher.dll DivXNetworks DivX Device Transfer Wizard 2.3MB
DivXTranscodeDll.dll DivXNetworks DivX Transcode Engine Module 784KB
DivXUpdateCheck.dll DivXNetworks DivX Update 98.3KB
dj_eq_1901.dll Steve Harris LADSPA DLL (x64) 83KB
dj_flanger_1438.dll Steve Harris LADSPA DLL (x64) 62KB
djsburn.dll Symantec Symantec Shared Components 73.7KB
djsburnu.dll Symantec Symantec Shared Components 73.7KB
djslcom.dll Symantec Symantec Shared Components 89.7KB
djsutils.dll Symantec Symantec Shared Components 57.7KB
djsutlsu.dll Symantec Symantec Shared Components 57.7KB
djvu.dll Irfan Skiljan DjVu PlugIn for IrfanView 90.5KB
djvucontrol.dll LizardTech DjVuControl Module 88KB
dk2win.dll 3KB
dl_peer_id.dll Xunlei Thunder7 90.4KB
dla.dll Waves Audio DLA 2MB
DLAA1_iesc.dll Dell Dell Communication System 136.5KB
DLAA1_serv.dll Dell Dell Communication System 676.5KB
DLAA1_usb1.dll Dell Dell Communication System 396.5KB
DLAA1drs.dll Lexmark Data Retrieval Library 749KB
DLAA1mini.dll Lexmark WIA Mini Driver 224.5KB
DLAA2_iesc.dll Dell Dell Communication System 143KB
DLAA2_serv.dll Dell Dell Communication System 644.5KB
DLAA2_usb1.dll Dell Dell Communication System 376.5KB
DLAA2drs.dll Lexmark Data Retrieval Library 731KB
DLAA2mini.dll Lexmark WIA Mini Driver 224.5KB
DLAA3_iesc.dll Dell Dell Communication System 143KB
DLAA3_serv.dll Dell Dell Communication System 676.5KB
DLAA3_usb1.dll Dell Dell Communication System 396.5KB
DLAA3drs.dll Lexmark Data Retrieval Library 731KB
DLAA3mini.dll Lexmark WIA Mini Driver 224.5KB
dlcapi.dll Microsoft Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Operating System 12.8KB
dlclfpv.dll Dell Printer Driver Module 500KB
dlclfRC.dll Microsoft Microsoft Windows 74.5KB
DlErHdl8.dll 10KB
dlgbar.dll Microsoft Microsoft (R) Visual Studio 56.1KB
dlgobjs.dll Microsoft Dialog Objects Library 80KB
dlgsetp.dll Microsoft Microsoft Outlook 77.4KB

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DLL Developers
  • DivX, Inc.
    DivXNetworks (75)npdivx32, dpl100, dtu100, divx
  • Digia Plc
    Digia (60)QtCore4, Qt5Quick, Qt5WebKit, Qt5PrintSupport
  • Devguru Co., Ltd
    Devguru (38)lang0A01, lang1501, lang1602, lang1901
  • DigitalPersona, Inc.
    DigitalPersona (31)dpHMatch, DPFPApi, dpHFtrEx, DPFPApiUI
  • DTS
    DTS (29)DTSU2PLFX64, DTSBoostDLL64, DTSBassEnhancementDLL64, sltech64
  • DataDirect Technologies
    DataDirect Technologies (27)crxml18, crinf18, cror818, crora18
  • Dolby Laboratories
    Dolby Laboratories (22)DDPA64, danclient-1, R4EEP64A, R4EEP64H
  • Developer Express Inc.
    Developer Express (19)DevExpress.Data.v12.2, DevExpress.Utils.v12.2, DevExpress.Data.Desktop.v20.1, DevExpress.XtraEditors.v12.2
  • Digi International
    Digi International (15)dgsetup, digiupg, dgrpupg, digihlc
  • DVDLogic
    DVDLogic (14)cmd, 5sdsnd, x4sevrs, p14cosn
New DLL Files
Dbadapt.dll - Microsoft Data Adapter Object Library
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 6.1.98 · Size: 56.6KB
Dt_socket.dll - Java(TM) Platform SE 8
Developer: Oracle · Ver: 8.0.77 · Size: 24KB
Dt_shmem.dll - Java(TM) Platform SE 8
Developer: Oracle · Ver: 8.0.77 · Size: 29KB
Dsetup32.dll - Microsoft(R) DirectX for Windows(R)
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 4.9.0 · Size: 1.5MB
Detoured.dll - Microsoft Research Detours Package
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 19.5KB
Detoured.dll - Microsoft Research Detours Package
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 19.5KB
DeployJava1.dll - Java(TM) Platform SE 8 U77
Developer: Oracle · Ver: 11.77 · Size: 999.5KB
Most Downloaded
D3DX9_41.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.26.9 · Size: 4MB
D3dx9_42.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.27.9 · Size: 1.8MB
D3DCompiler_47.dll - Microsoft Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 10.0.1 · Size: 3.6MB
D3DX9_43.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.29.9 · Size: 1.9MB
D3dx9_37.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.22.9 · Size: 3.6MB
D3dx9_26.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.7.23 · Size: 2.2MB
D3dx9_38.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.23.9 · Size: 3.7MB
D3dx9_35.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.19.9 · Size: 3.6MB
D3DCompiler_43.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.29.9 · Size: 2MB