Chilkat Software DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Chilkat Software, Inc. Currently we have 6 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Chilkat Software software like; Chilkat Mail, Chilkat XML ActiveX Component, Chilkat HTTP, Chilkat Charset ActiveX Component or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
ChilkatCharset.dll | Chilkat Charset ActiveX Component | | 644KB |
ChilkatCrypt2.dll | Chilkat Crypt2 | | 1.3MB |
ChilkatHttp.dll | Chilkat HTTP | | 1.1MB |
ChilkatMail_v7_9.dll | Chilkat Mail | | 1.6MB |
ChilkatSocket.dll | ChilkatSocket Module | | 1MB |
ChilkatXml.dll | Chilkat XML ActiveX Component | | 1.2MB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
chsdet.dll | Nick Yakowlew | Charset detector | 131.5KB |
charset.dll | Free Software Foundation | libcharset: portable character set determination l | 24KB |
coolsecnss.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 56KB |
CLI.Component.Wizard.dll | AMD | Catalystâ„¢ Control Centre | 396KB |
CLI.Component.Systemtray.dll | AMD | Catalystâ„¢ Control Centre | 564KB |
CLI.Component.SingleAspectPage.dll | AMD | Catalystâ„¢ Control Centre | 56KB |
coolhttp.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 52KB |
coolbucky.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 132KB |
coolbos.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 128KB |
coolicq.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 32KB |
coolpeer.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 72KB |
coolportmagic.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 284KB |
coolsocket.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 40KB |
cooltih.dll | AOL | COOL Component Libraries | 33.5KB |