Baidu DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Baidu, Inc. Currently we have 7 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Baidu software like; spark, Baidu PC Faster, DirectUI Dynamic Link Library, Baidu Antivirus or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
BaiduStore.dll | Baidu PC Faster | | 1.2MB |
BavIPC.dll | Baidu Antivirus | | 481.4KB |
bdaucommon.dll | 百度输入法自动更新共享库 | | 97.7KB |
bdcommon.dll | spark | | 608.8KB |
DirectUI.dll | DirectUI Dynamic Link Library | | 2.2MB |
log2.dll | Baidu PC Faster | | 354KB |
P2PStatReport.dll | | 321.6KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
ipc.dll | Garena Online | Garena Platform | 256.8KB |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 16.5KB |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 13KB |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 11.5KB |
libassuan-0.dll | g10 Code | Assuan | 77.9KB |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 13.5KB |
wmsgapi.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 14KB |
libassuan-0.dll | g10 Code | Assuan | 91KB |
daikininterfaceengine.dll | Sonic Solutions | Interface Engine Dynamic Link Library | 368.1KB |
ISDI2.dll | Intel | Intel Storage Driver Interface Dynamic Library | 519KB |
ISDI2.dll | Intel | Intel Storage Driver Interface Dynamic Library | 519.5KB |
qtintf70.dll | Borland | Delphi-Qt2.x Interface Library | 3.9MB |
qtintf.dll | Borland | Delphi-Qt2.x Interface Library | 4MB |