Avanquest Software DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Avanquest Software. Currently we have 5 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Avanquest Software software like; , MPT, PC Companion, About or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
Aboutn.dll | About | | 28KB |
bvrpctln.dll | MPT | | 686KB |
Device.dll | PC Companion | | 905.5KB |
NewUI.dll | MPT | | 580KB |
WUNPACLN.dll | | 111KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
itextbox.dll | Derivco | Microgaming Text Box Handler | 64.1KB |
ctabout.dll | Creative Technology | Creative About Box | 256KB |
f_in_box.dll | Softanics | F-IN-BOX DLL Edition | 184KB |
MsgBoxEx.dll | IObit | Message Box DLL | 1.1MB |
tipp43.dll | Jörg Dähler Software | JDTricks 2000 | 118.5KB |
sbvdd.dll | Software Systems Consultants | SoundFX 2000 | 313.7KB |
tipp271.dll | Jörg Dähler Software | JDTricks 2000 | 121KB |
clb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 18KB |
clb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 14KB |
craboutr.dll | Crystal Decisions | Crystal Report About Box Dialog | 32.1KB |
clb.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 10.5KB |
msobstub.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Millennium Operating Syste | 40KB |
iraabout.dll | Symantec | For use by all Symantec prodcuts. | 97.5KB |
msobcomm.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 119.5KB |
msobmain.dll | Microsoft | Microsoft Windows | 549.5KB |