Albert L Faber DLL Files
On this page you can find DLL files developed by Albert L Faber. Currently we have 3 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Albert L Faber software like; libsndfile, CDex English Language Resource DLL, CDRip Audio Extraction Library or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.
File Name | Description | Version | Size |
CDRip.dll | CDRip Audio Extraction Library | | 99.5KB |
langdll.dll | CDex English Language Resource DLL | | 199.5KB |
libsndfile.dll | libsndfile | | 94.5KB |
Similar DLL Files
File Name | Developer | Software | Size |
akrip32m.dll | AKSoft | AKRip CD-DA Audio Extraction Library | 60KB |
akrip32.dll | AKSoft | AKRip CD-DA Audio Extraction Library | 69.6KB |
mmcd.dll | Computall Services | digital audio extraction driver for Win32 | 200KB |
cdr.dll | Poikosoft | Digital Audio Explorer | 76KB |
libsndfile-1.dll | libsndfile-1 DLL | 2.2MB | |
libsndfile-1.dll | libsndfile-1 DLL | 2.2MB | |
libsndfile-1.dll | libsndfile-1 DLL | 1.7MB | |
demo_enc_ddp.dll | MainConcept | MainConcept (Demo) Dolby Digital Professional Audi | 182.5KB |
sfpaplug.dll | Sony | Perfect Clarity Audio File Format | 536KB |
unacev2.dll | ACE Compression Software | UNACE - freeware ACE extraction component | 75.5KB |
unacev2.dll | ACE Compression Software | UNACE - freeware ACE extraction component | 75.8KB |
deltasio.dll | Midiman/M-Audio | M-Audio Delta ASIO Support Library | 19.5KB |
dpHFtrEx.dll | DigitalPersona | DigitalPersona, Inc. Fingerprint Recognition Syste | 108.9KB |
mplam6.dll | Ligos | MPL Audio Library | 64KB |
mplaa6.dll | Ligos | MPL Audio Library | 2.2MB |
mplaw7.dll | Ligos | MPL Audio Library | 76KB |
fmod.dll | Firelight Technologies | FMOD | 344KB |